Honorary and Founding Editor

Dr. R. Jeya Prakash, Research Director,
Jegathambal Research Foundation,
Erode (DT), Tamilnadu, India.
Profile Link : http://jrf.joinjet.org/#bod 
Email : [email protected]


Editor-in Chief

Dr. N. Sriram, Professor,
Department of Pharmaceuticals,
Jegathambal Research Foundation,
Erode (DT), Tamilnadu, India.
Profile Link : http://jrf.joinjet.org/#bod 
Email : [email protected]

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Dr. A. Ayyappan, Principal & Professor,
Excel College of Physiotherapy and Research Center,
Namakkal  (DT), Tamilnadu, India.
Profile Link : https://excelinstitutions.com/physio 
Email : [email protected]

Associate Editors

Dr. N. Manoj,  Junior  Resident (MMC),
Department of Anaesthetics,
Jegathambal Research Foundation,
Erode (DT), Tamilnadu, India.
Profile Link : http://jrf.joinjet.org/#bod 
Email : [email protected]

Dr. S. Sivaraman, Medical Officer,
Department of Anatomy,
Excel Medical College for Naturopathy and Yoga,
Coimbatore (DT), Tamilnadu, India.
Profile Link : https://excelinstitutions.com/bnys 
Email : [email protected]


Dr. A. Manikandan, Dental Surgeon,
Sri Ramakrishna Dental College and Hospital,
Coimbatore (DT), Tamilnadu, India.
Profile Link : https://sabari-dental.site/
Email :  [email protected] 

Dr. P. Yamuna Gowri, Research Coordinator,
Department of Micro Biology ,
Jegathambal Research Foundation,
Erode (DT), Tamilnadu, India.
Profile Link : http://jrf.joinjet.org/#bod 
Email : [email protected]


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